Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mary Wigman

Now I am researching Mary Wigman. She was a German dancer and choreographer who was born in the late eighteen-hundreds. Her style of dance was revolutionary because it was free and natural. It went against the structure of balletic dance which was very popular during that time. She started a school in Germany but during World War Two, Nazi's shut it down. She started up again after the war ended. After she died, Hanya Holm, one of her students, came to America and educated many eventually influential dancers/choreographers.
This is related to the big picture because Mary Wigman was one of the first modern dancers/choreographers in Germany and the rest of the world. Her movements went against the balletic movements which were structured and contained in a very specific way. Mary Wigman used dramatic gesture and her dance reflected nature and instinct. She influenced many American dancers/choreographers in addition and one of her dancers, Hanya Holm, eventually moved to America and had a much bigger impact on American dance than Mary did herself.
This is a clip of Mary Wigman dancing in her famous "Witch Dance" :


Gina said...

I am loving this blog! It just occurred to me that it would be a very good idea to cite the source of your photos. Maybe at the end of the article you could just add :

Photo source:
and give the URL or the title of the website.

If you're going to use them in your final presentation you'll want to add them to your bibliography (cited as a photo from a website)and cite them with an internal citation.

I think what we discussed about including more info on how each dancer fits into the big picture or what her influence was or her innovations is a very good idea. If you decide to put in fewer facts so there's more time and space for analysis that's a fine trade-off.

Really, Annalie, very nice work!

Gina said...

looking over your postings it's seeming to me that what you have is more of a product than a reflection on your resaerch. That's not a bad thing but it's different. Also, as a product I think it goes too much in the factual direction. When I said "big picture" I was really trying to get at this: tell us why this person matters to the evolution of modern dance. What did she do that was different than those who came before? Why do we remember her? It's not enough to say the person was influential.

So you need to think about what part of the SIR process you want the blog to be - part of the product or the reflective journal? There may be a way for it to be both but if you go in that direction I think it needs 2 distict parts.

You may get a better idea after the meeting on Thursday.

Gina said...

Looking over your postings it's seeming to me that what you have is more of a product than a reflection on your research. That's not a bad thing but it's different. Also, as a product I think it goes too much in the factual direction. When I said "big picture" I was really trying to get at this: tell us why this person matters to the evolution of modern dance. What did she do that was different than those who came before? Why do we remember her? It's not enough to say the person was influential.

So you need to think about what part of the SIR process you want the blog to be - part of the product or the reflective journal? There may be a way for it to be both but if you go in that direction I think it needs 2 distict parts.

You may get a better idea after the meeting on Thursday.

Gina said...

The video is so cool! What else is new? I'd like to see you go back to the previous posts and change the sentences that begin with "how this fits into the big picture" into something that addresses the questions I posed.

Also, I think it's time to come to grips with if the blog is a reflection or a product or both.

I hope you're feeling OK - don't forget to email me about re-scheduling our meeting for this week.