Thursday, January 1, 2009

Alvin Ailey

I just finished researching Alvin Ailey and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Although I already knew a lot about him and his company, I learned a lot of new information. For example, they have about 37 current pieces in their repertory. In order to fully understand this company, I also researched their current Artistic Director, Judith Jamison, who was personally asked by Alvin to take over the company following his death.
After researching Alvin Ailey and his company, I have realized a trend in Modern Dance choreographers/dancers... they follow their dreams and feelings. For example, Hanya Holm didn't like how structured and strict ballet was, so she made up her own style instead of doing it anyway or giving dance up for good. Alvin Ailey is another example of this because even though he grew up during the Civil Rights Movement and African American successful dancers and choreographers were practically non-existent in America, he never gave up and finally established a solid Modern Dance Company that is known throughout the world.

Here is a really interesting video clip that I found:

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